Author name: Stephanie Hollington-Sawyer

Gabor Maté and Sat Dharam Kaur’s statement on Yogi Bhajan in response to our up-coming, multi-day Compassionate Inquiry event

Statement from Gabor: To all those who have expressed your shock and dismay at the thought that I, or any program I am associated with, has anything to do with Yogi Bhajan, his organization 3HO, or with any Kundalini Yoga group: First, I thank you for posting your concerns. In response, please know: 1. I

Gabor Maté and Sat Dharam Kaur’s statement on Yogi Bhajan in response to our up-coming, multi-day Compassionate Inquiry event Read More »

Announcing the Compassionate Inquiry Online Training

I’m excited to announce a new online course that has been years in the making, Compassionate Inquiry. Created with the collaboration of N.D. and international yoga teacher Sat Dharam Kaur. Compassionate Inquiry is an in depth teaching and distillation of the approach I have developed to working with human beings beset by personal issues, health

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BEYOND DRUGS: The Universal Experience of Addiction

With the carnage imposed by the current epidemic of opioids and associated overdoses across North America–many dozens of people dying every day– public alarm around addiction is focused almost exclusively on drugs. For all the anguish around substance dependence, addiction cuts a much broader swath across our culture. Most addicted people use no drugs at

BEYOND DRUGS: The Universal Experience of Addiction Read More »

Dr. Gabor Maté’s Critique of the Surgeon General’s Report Facing Addiction in America

I read the Facing Addiction in America, the Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Health with a combination of enthusiastic appreciation and dismay. Those impressions were further reinforced recently on hearing the SG, Rear Admiral Vivek Murthy in person, at the Patrick Kennedy Forum on addiction in Chicago. I see the report as a

Dr. Gabor Maté’s Critique of the Surgeon General’s Report Facing Addiction in America Read More »

Trump, Clinton and Trauma

The consensus as to Donald Trump’s psychiatric issues is nearly unanimous. “Textbook narcissistic personality disorder,” according to clinical psychologists quoted In Vanity Fair, among many who have reached the same conclusion. Noting his motor mouth, chronic inability to pay attention and shockingly deficient impulse control, others diagnosed Trump as a severe case of Attention Deficit

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The profound power of an Amazonian plant – and the respect it demands

Last week’s death by a Canadian during an ayahuasca ceremony at a Peruvian shamanic centre—an apparent act of self-defence—brought unwelcome but perhaps necessary attention to this Amazonian plant medicine. Ayahuasca tourism is increasingly popular with Westerners seeking healing from physical illness or mental anguish, or simply a sense of meaning amid the growing alienation in our

The profound power of an Amazonian plant – and the respect it demands Read More »

How to Build a Better Culture of Good Health

“I never get angry,” says a character in one of Woody Allen’s movies. “I grow a tumor instead.” Much more scientific truth is captured in that droll remark than many doctors would recognize. Mainstream medical practice largely ignores the role of emotions in the physiological functioning of the human organism. Yet the scientific evidence abundantly

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Tories’ Cynical Monument to Victims of Communism

What is the principle behind Ottawa’s planned massive memorial to the victims of Communism if not to advance Conservative ideology? Ottawa’s promised new memorial to victims of Communism threatens to be both an esthetic monstrosity and a tribute to moral obtuseness. Many have expressed alarm about its visual impact, from the mayor of Ottawa to Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, without deterring the Harper government from financially and ideologically backing the project.

Tories’ Cynical Monument to Victims of Communism Read More »